- He was trying to drink his troubles away. 他企图借酒消愁。
- He drank his troubles away. 他在借酒忘却一些烦恼。
- He is trying to drink his trouble away. 他试图以酒消愁。
- He drank his beer out of the bottle. 他从瓶口直接喝啤酒。
- He drank his ale and stood up ready to clap. 他喝了一口啤酒,坐直身子准备鼓掌。
- He drank his whiskey almost bottoms up. 他把杯中的威士忌喝得几乎一滴不剩。
- He drank his sherry from long glasses, diluted with water. 他用长脚杯喝雪利酒,酒里兑了水。
- He drank his gin-and-water in silence, and read the paper with great show of pomp and circumstance. 他一声不响地喝着搀水的杜松子酒,派头十足地看着报。
- He confided his troubles to his friend. 他向朋友倾诉烦恼事。
- He sings his troubles away. 他唱歌来消除麻烦。
- He referred all his troubles to bad luck. 他将他的一切麻烦都归因于运气不好。
- He drank his gin-and-water in silence,and read the paper with great show of pomp and circumstance. 他一声不响地喝着搀水的杜松子酒,派头十足地看着报。
- Only Andrey's little grandchild, Malasha, a child of six, whom his highness had petted, giving her sugar while he drank his tea, stayed behind by the big stove in the best room. 只有安德烈的一个孙女玛拉莎,才六岁的小姑娘,呆在这个大房间的壁灶上,勋座抚爱她,吃茶时赏给她一块方糖。
- He drank off the flagon of wine amid their cheers. 在他们的喝彩声中他喝了一大瓶酒。
- He snivelled to his father about his troubles. 他向他父亲哭诉着他的委屈。
- He drank a schooner of beer and became drunken. 他喝了一大酒杯啤酒后醉倒了。
- He drank up the wine with relish. 他津津有味地把酒喝光了。
- He shaped up to his troubles manfully. 他勇敢地面对困难。
- He drank the wine slowly, savouring every drop. 他慢慢地喝着酒,细细品尝着每滴酒的滋味。
- He unburdened his troubles to me. 他向我吐露烦恼。